Future Fossil
Permanent sculpture (2023-…)
Milton Keynes Creative and Cultural Department, UK.
In 10,000 years what will be left behind? Future Fossil imagines a future landscape where civilisation excavates the ground to reveal a still life of early 21st life captured in fossilised form. The work depicts a house from Oxley Park that has fossilised through the passage of time, being enveloped by rising water, encroaching deserts and manmade materials that nature has processed and reformed. The house has slowly decayed from the inside out leaving behind an imprint of the anthropocene era.
Inspired by ideas such as archeology, the passing of time, our relationship to the natural world, the value of waste, home and future ways of living, what community means in 21st century; Future Fossil will feature a life-size negative cast, taken from a section of a typical Oxley Park house, creating a new public space for Oxley Park, where community activities and cultural programmes can be enjoyed.
Milton Keynes symbolises the Anthropocene through the ability the city had to build itself from scratch in the 1960’s, since then hundreds of entirely new cities have been sprouting up across Asia and Africa. Future Fossil questions what this confidence means, how nature survives or thrives in this new age and how people can live in coexistent with it once again.
Article by Louisa Buck:
Project website https://www.futurefossil.online